Previous ExhibitionsWinter Scenes from the Collection
Utilitarian potter, Arland Esch, and his son, wood artist, Andrew Esch, Sensational Samplers from a Simpler Time Beautiful Ohio - The Landscapes of Chuck Marshall Celebrating 220 Years of the Golden Lamb (Juried Show) The Artistry of Susan Willin's Digital Photography Véjà Du- by Two: Scott Miller & Angela Meehan Wildlife & Wild Places: Photography by Bill & Marty Welch The Multi-Media Paintings of Susan Mahan Color Me Happy: The Paintings of Carol Abbott Women's Winter Fashion (1780-1920) from our Textile Collection A Gem of a Show: the collection of Dayton Gem & Mineral A collection of New Acquisitions Harmonic Paintings of Cedric Michael Cox The Beautiful Remains of Rodney Veal Women's Creations in the Victorian Era Watercolor weavings of Tim Ryan The Life's Work of Gary Simendinger On the Shoulders of Our Ancestors - the work of Bing Davis Drawings & Paintings of Sylvia Thompson Outland Kelly Murray Frigard's Embroidered Tales Celebrating Quaker Artist, Marcus Mote The Collected Works of the Cincinnati Brush and Palette Painters Equestrian Bronzes by Lynda Sappington The Photography of Marshall Miller Sculpture by Neale Murray The Print work of Kevin Harris Showcase of Contemporary Art from the collection. A Celebration of painters John & Martin Rettig (the first Rettig exhibition in 20 years!) The Illustrations of C. F. Payne Paintings by John Vakaleris Stained Glass by Valerie Sherwood Rask Collected Ceramic works by Warren County Potters (Greg Shooner, Fred Cook, Greg Neal, Mike Baum, Karan Witham-Walsh, Trish McLennan, Peggy Hamlin & David T. Smith) A collection of Warren County High School Seniors Photography by Kelly Joslin The Magical World of Charley Harper The Metallic Sculptures of John Koepnick American Impressionist Painter, Mary Jean Weber Lebanon Local Artists (Sam & Agnus Marts, Steve Moore) The Found Art Sculptures of Denis Bruss The elegant Glasswork of Jim DeLange American Impressionist Paintings of Mary Jean Webber |
Wchs Office/Harmon MuseumTues - Sat: 10am - 4pm
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